Dear Parent, in this section of free educational resources you will find a collection of printable worksheets that you can download for free in pdf format and print out for your little one. There are a number of printables to help your little one learn the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors etc.
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My Alphabet mini workbook
Make a cute Alphabet mini workbbok! Print out the file and cut the flashcards. Laminate them for more durability. Then perforate at the top and bind the mini pages together to make a workbook. Your little one will flip through to learn the upper and lower case letters as well as trace them.
I know my numbers
“I know my numbers” is a 20-page workbook for practicing numbers one to twenty.. Each page consists of a number with arrows to show the sequence and direction of writing, circles for counting corresponding to the number, and handwriting practice with dotted letters. Suitable for preschool and kindergarten.
Find the CVC words
28 pages of engaging activities for your kids to practice phonemic awareness, spelling, reading and writing. Each page consists of a picture and three mushroom houses. Kids look at the picture and circle one letter on each mushroom to make the word. Then they search for the word in the word search puzzle. Finally, they practice writing the word and color the picture.
Drag and Drop to Match
Drag and Drop to Match the Shapes, Numbers and Colors is an interactive Google slides (Power Point) presentation for your kids to learn and practice shapes, numbers and colors. They look, drag and drop the correct answer in the provides spaces. A fun and engaging activity for your little ones to learn the shapes, numbers and colors.
Drag and Drop to Complete the Pattern
Drag and Drop to Complete the Pattern is a Google slides (PPT) presentation suitable for distant learning. A fun and engaging drag-and-drop activity for your students to complete the patterns with shapes, colors, numbers and dots. There are ten slides and each slide consists of five different colorful patterns.
Drag and Drop – Addition 1-10
Drag and Drop – Addition 1-10 is a Google Slides (Power Point) presentation. There are 13 slides with 2 math problems on each one. Kids look at the pictures, count the objects and drag and drop the corresponding numbers. Then they do the sums and drag and drop the correct answer. This is a fun and engaging way to practice simple addition 1-10.
Letter of the Week – 4 pages per letter
104 pages of engaging activities for your kids to practice letters. There are four pages for each letter. The first page includes a letter typed in six different fonts. The second page includes activities with the upper case letter – find and color, then trace. The third page includes activities with the lower case letter. The fourth revises both upper and lower case with coloring and tracing
Telling time to the hour and half hour
Drag and Drop-Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour – Google slides (PPT) for your kid to learn and practice telling time. There are 8 slides with drag and drop to match the digital and analog clock activities and 8 slides with drag and drop to say right or wrong. Download the file to your computer to use it as a PPT. Upload the file to your Google Drive to use it as Google slides.
The Calendar Time and Morning Work Math &ELA activities – Today is, Yesterday was, Tomorrow will be- The month is, The date is- Counting with tally marks (up to 50)- Telling time to the hour and half hour- Addition and Subtraction to 10 with ten frames- Number bonds- Look at the picture, read the word, count the syllables and color the correct answer- Look at the words and build a sentence.A Cristmas crossword puzzle – do the puzzle, find the mystery word, answer the question and draw.

CVC Words Spinning Wheels
CVC Words Spinning Wheels is a fun activity for your students to learn and practice CVC words. There are 5 sets of wheels (5 big and 5 small) with 8 words on each wheel (total 40 words with pictures). Print out the wheels and laminate them for more durability. Then use a pin for each set of wheels. Students look at the beginning sount on the small wheel and rotate it to match the CVC words.